Wednesday, June 10, 2009

emo mo mo*

it's terrible to be the one left behind for i'd felt it so many times. i run sometimes i fly to find a safe spot to cry.*

突然好想你 你會在哪裡 過的快樂或委屈突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶突然模糊的眼睛我們像一首最美麗的歌曲 變成兩部悲傷的電影為什麼你 帶我走過最難忘的旅行然後留下 最痛的紀念品 我們 那麼甜那麼美那麼相信那麼瘋那麼熱烈的曾經為何我們還是要奔向各自的幸福和遺憾中老去<3
*eons ago but just feel like i should keep a log// all the beautiful words of love and loss.