Tuesday, March 25, 2008

i like

van der Tzes says:
oh dear
van der Tzes says:
van der Tzes says:
how's life back in sg
van der Tzes says:
take me out/eat it says:
nice slackkk haha doing a bit of work here and there skeeeping lessonsss
take me out/eat it says:
rolling aroundd
take me out/eat it says:
take me out/eat it says:
is it cold season or hot season nowww
take me out/eat it says:
what time is it
van der Tzes says:
it's 816pm!
van der Tzes says:
and so strange, it's supposed to be the onset of spring.. but we just had snow today
van der Tzes says:
van der Tzes says:
suddenly i miss talking to you
take me out/eat it says:
yeah sounds strangeee
take me out/eat it says:
haha sudddenly!
van der Tzes says:
van der Tzes says:
take me out/eat it says:
that's sweet!*
van der Tzes says:
(in a good way of cos)
van der Tzes says:
take me out/eat it says:
howw are youu?
van der Tzes says:
im fine
van der Tzes says:

van der Tzes says:
wish i could be rolling around like you
van der Tzes says:
anyway, got to go... sorrry michh!!
van der Tzes says:
will catch you soon!!
take me out/eat it says:
goods (: okieee seeya dearr!*
van der Tzes says:
happy easter dear
take me out/eat it says:
take caree happie easter!

this happened when tzes suddenly happy easter-ed me. haha it's nice to be missed by random people. cos i miss nonrandom people driving me crazy. eve told me to not tou lan and i skeeped school again. anywayy this convo made me veryvery happy i couldn bear to close the windoww. haha. and i went to wish coussie happy easter too.

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