Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"Don't hang around like this; it's irritating. you made up your mind to leave. now, go." For she didn't want him to see her crying- she was such a proud flower.

The Little Prince- Antoine De Saint Exupery

Sibyl Vane - An exceptionally talented (though extremely poor) and beautiful actress with whom Dorian falls in love. Her love for Dorian destroys her acting career, as she no longer finds pleasure in portraying fictional love when she has a true love in reality.

The Picture of Dorian Gray http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Picture_of_Dorian_Gray

This novel by Oscar Wilde turns out to be such a tradgedy. I want to read it but it seems so sad and painful and of course, vain.

I agree especially with Sibyl Vane and understand why she might lose her talent in acting, as it's no longer her greatest passion where she puts all her time effort and feelings into... when someone fills ur mind the way a lover does, there just seems to be no space for anything else.

Being in the love game again makes me wonder again, am i reading too much into things or are these guys all interested in me. Well, let's just try to not speculate and concentrate at being a decent human being. and being human. and getting well.

that said. i need to sleep soon.
and study for the btt.*

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