Friday, August 20, 2010


We can go kayakin!! If weather permits. But u'll be the one doing most of the paddling work. wahaha. 19sep2010 11.52pm

Duh. You sure you know me or not? 3sep2010 5.27pm

My confidence is misplaced. See you 530 3sep2010 3.55pm

Okay, lunch on thurs then! (: 13sep2010 1.58am

(: I'm happy to hear that. Will u be at honors party on tues at 5, 6pm? 13se2010 1.45am

I'm happy today. How about u? (: miss u.. (: 13sep2010 12.48am

That's good dear. I'm glad. Have a good friday with dog (: 10sep2010 4.40pm

Hey girl.. Are things better between dog and u? 10sep2010 1.32pm

Hi miche, how'd the presentation go? I just had a great time with my little sis down at the pool and gym. My parents are in indon now. So us sisters have to take care of the little one and each other for now. Hope your day went well! (: 8sep2010 5.58pm

Miches all the best for tmr's presentation. You'll do great, as you did for our presentation.. 7sep2010 11.33pm

It's all right dear! A date sounds wonderful. (: 7sep2010 9.18pm

So that hug really helped (: 7sep2010 5.03pm

Okay that's good to know. Yes sch gets tiring.. Home is always an escape for me. I've been having a bad lapse of low self esteem lately.. Makes me wanna run away from sch and the public more too 7sep2010 5.02pm

I'm now finally escaping from sch too! No, thank YOu for the hug! It made my day! (: are you all right? Where're you now? 7sep2010 4.44pm

Miss you too miches. (: no worries, do u need me to pass u the two articles? The kenneth oaul tan and the reporters without borders? 6sep2010 11.50am

Kk as long as someone knows u're safe home. You have klng so I can worry less. See you (: 5sep2010 10.36pm

Hey be safe on your way there miche.. 5sep2010 8.57pm

Not there yet! Take your time. (: if u don't feel like reading, it's all right k? Don't have to come. We can always see each other in sch. 5sep2010 1.29pm

It's very cold there, miche (:

U could come with us to the law library too! Or if u don't feel like sitting down for hours, u don't have to come at all! No worries. (: 5sep2010 2.03am

What're you doing tmr, miche? Wanna go to a cafe to read and study? (: 4sep2010 2.13pm

Ade will be diving when she goes bali. So if u can't dive, u should come with me for this diving trip to msia instead (: okay talk to u later, don't reply. Spend time with the bf. (: 3sep2010 10.20pm

Okay don't needa reply me now, spend time w him! 3sep2010 10.03pm

Yes I get what u mean. It's a huge disappointment for me whenever I anticipate sth so much and it doesn't happen or happens late. Yay go have fun with klng (: yes she told me, I will be in msia with family! Learning to dive! You gg to indon w her? 3sep2010 10.02pm

Wow it's been like 3 hours since 7! Are u still waiting? SMU? 3sep2010 9.52pm

Oh man.. What a downer. Did his hp die? Does he know your hp number by heart? That could be a reason right? 3sep2010 9.46pm

(: are you all right dear? 3sep2010 9.40pm

Your fb msg made my day (: 3sep2010 9.39pm

Haha! You're cute! (: I get very restless studying too. My sister and like to go to cafes so we're forced to sit there. I agree! bed = yummy - productivity. Will u be going for visual culture lectures? 2sep2010 9.58pm

Where do you normally study or read? (: 2sep2010 9.30pm

Really glad I met you, miche. (: so sad this is your last sem! 2sep2010 9.17pm

Hi miche! Let's have a drink sometime, my treat. (: I haven't paid u back I realized. Thanks for the water today, you were a life-saver (: 2sep2010 9.11pm

hahahahahahahahaha. damn it. I was hoping to live vicariously through you! 2sep2010 5.58pm

heeeee. right if you say so.

<3 because burgers deserve to be sprinkled with sesame love. 10sep2010 7.45pm

Hey sorry my phone batt was flat just now. I'm at home now. Just back from a movie. But I supposed you texted before we met at the bus stop. No need to reply. Have fun with kl. :) 10sep2010 12.23am

Miche, dips, dans, and I are going for dimsum this thurs. Wanna come? :D 6sep2010 1.43pm
Haha ice cream sounds better on this hot day! 3sep2010 1.57pm

Okay:) I had ice cream for breakfast today. 3sep2010 1.39pm

Miches! Let me know if you wish to go to the ari seminar with me. its called "the orince and the saint: materiality, prestige, and forgetting". its at 3, and I'm leaving school at about 145. <3 3sep2010 9.25am

:) aww see you at lunch. And I owe you one postcard! i love it <3
2sep2010 1.35pm

Miche jc and nina. You three better be well! its like the tutankhamen curse of digging up human rights in se asia. See you two 1sep2010 10.13am

I JUST SAW YOU gazing dreamily at the suntec screen! 30aug2010 6.12pm

Daddy say you quickly let go of his hands! Jie! I forgot that didi has chess from 2 to 4pm on friday. 30aug2010 10.21pm

Okay! I know what happened yesterday. HAHAH! Caught red handedddd! 30aug2010 10.18pm

Scary. Feel a bit out of place. Maybe 1st class ba. oh well... And today dennis gf not in sch, so gotta eat alone. 30aug2010 9.59am

Oki :) yay ! Hvnt seen u in so longggg <3 5sep2010 3.06pm

Hmm oki yay will tell u then ! Prob next week or so. Get back to u regarding Thursday ! :) 4sep2010 5.53pm

Miss u loads. Hope ur well xxxx 27aug2010 6.53pm

just saw his pic! he looks like he's fun to hang out with. his photos are private though, so can only see his profile pics. 29aug2010 10.01pm

haha sounds like he's an older guy. is he? good to have someone mature to take care of us girls :) hee sounds like the us trip was excellent eh. is he cute! 29aug2010 7.04pm

oh? haha I don't know, but i'll guess tt great worlld more ex. up to you! he's responsible ah. good boy. haha honeymoon period sure happy la. need effort to continue as a long-term happy couple. sounds like you've a great start! is he from your ny gang? 29aug2010 7.00pm

tbp and tb mrt has gp great world -- not tt I know of. don't go too late k. cos you're fertile now!! haha. and at night I thk more ex. I'm going off for dinner soon, hungry! hee I'm glad you're happy with your boy. i hope everything stays good :) 29aug2010 6.54pm

hahaha. we should meet soon, need updates! I'm starting internship tmr tho. will text you randomly if I happen to end earlier. your boy from smu? 29aug2010 6.46pm

haha nope. alone! :) I like great world starbucks cos always got seats and I can see all the young couples + cute kids :) haha go out to study and get your bf to accompany you. can spend time together n stay awake to mug. Haha just not in his bedroom cos confirm end up doing other things :P 29aug2010 6.24pm

haha ok better! in case some powerful sperm manages to swim up lol. I'm @ great world studying. cos the last 2 wkends I stayed home, I kept sleeping. 29aug2010 6.21pm

don't dillly dally! Faster go k, don't Paiseh. xx 29aug2010 6.16pm

399/ No. I am a Windows man... 29aug2010 6.17pm

Oh.. I want to watch heartbreaker oso. tell me later if nice anot. But inception oso quite zai. last wk still sold out 28aug2010 4.43pm

Eh.. I goin back home now. Guang still at e far west. U all can sample all e mooncake. E one i buy is hk taipan. U can oso try qi hua and mei xin de. 28aug2010 4.35pm

Lucky can change although e canto auntie nag nag a bit. Haha. 28aug2010 4.27pm

ah yeee

:/ oops. U think still got ticket 27aug201 7.07
Zomgx I forgot to buy !!!! 27aug2010 6.56pm

Miss u loads. Hope ur well xxxx 27aug2010 6.53pm

Hieeee meet me soon pls? 27aug2010 6.53pm

Booo!!! How abt Korean food at boat quay there? :) 26aug2010 5.58pm

Okay okay no problem. Let me know :) wanna date me out also can! 25aug2010 5.58pm dar

Hello every one, are you all free to come to Hougang for dinner tomorrow? Ask jx wei Kwang and keng Leong 23aug2010 3.13pm ah yi <3

Omg love!!! I feel your pain !! 24aug2010 1.59pm

Oh ok!!! Where?? Yongtaufoo? Or ayam penyet?? 23aug2010 6.19pm

Hhahaha ewwww!!! Lovelove Hahhahahaa I can't think of anything else.. Any ideas?? Haha 23aug2010 6.17pm

Haahha ok I an good w that !! :D Hmmmm What abt ion food court?? I nv go before. Hahha 23aug2010 6.12pm

Me tooooo!!!! What should we eat??!! Hmmmm around townn ahh. What di u feel like eating? I'm doof for anything :)) 23aug2010 5.37pm

Ya ok then :) tmr dinner!! 23aug2010 5.29pm

Yes I will... But I can't stick around :(( got jap class right after my class... So I'm out till like 10.. I can meet after? Cos I won't have time for dinner 23aug2010 9.09am

Yaa that's true!! Well great experience la!! :)) awesomeness :D <3 So what's it like being back?? Let's meet up soon!?? 23aug2010 9.05am

Hahahaha that's cute enough !! But don't you miss it for the experiences and stuff?? I'm not sure what I miss abt japan.. Maybe the place itself but maybe the feelings alone which I had being there, living by myself and things like that.. Heh 23aug2010 8.37am

Ahhahah I meant for like usa cos you just came back too!!! 23aug2010 8.22am

Hahaha i do!!!!! So badly... But at the same time I'm glad to be back too?? I wish it wasn't so far away or expensive to go back to.. :( You too right!!!! 23aug2010 12.50am

Hahahaha I didn't even realize!!! Forgot that nus started first .. Had the strange impression you were coming back in sept hahaha 23aug2010 12.28am

Babe!! Are you back?? 23aug2010 12.26am
Hey miche! I just read your postcard. SO HAPPY FOR U! :) 21aug2010 11.10pm ahtan~

I was wondering where in the world that is. And I actually do! Surprisingly. I used to stay near there- tiong bahru. Okay :) and I'll email you what he rambled on for an hour after class yeasterday. 20aug2010 3.15pm adelinex

Micheeee lychee. I just passed some to hweeguang. I'll save some for you when we next meet! And the non email, hah sorry. I was supposed to tell you that we assigned each reading to someone. And you'll be doing the news articles. I'm doing um shit I forgot. But we can switch if you'd rather that :) have fun working! <3 adeline 20aug2919 1.26pm

[damien] It was a nice surprise in the day, meeting up and chatting like that (: be (objectively) good to yourself, miche. New life (: 20aug2010 2.45am

Daddy says cannot. Must choose 1. Hah. 19aug2010 11.32am

Daddy say you change your surname to lim then he pay lor. Hah. He says he supply lawyer to change your surname for you. 19aug2010 11.25am

Mummy replies 'we're cooking chinese soup today what.' Daddy asks 'who pay for the food?' :D:D:D all disturbing you. Hahahah. 19aug2010 11.23pm

Okay. ;) come for dinner! 19aug2010 11.16am

We can fill the gaps in each others' lives. Even if you leave him one day, you'll never leave me. And this time, I promise, I'll never ever leave you again. I don't want to. *HUGS<3<3<3 19aug2010 12:16am

yay! :))) meet me soon ok <3 10aug2010 2.29pm jinyee

Wen welcome home! Hope with this new beginning Let start n forget abt yesterday. Jia u n me must live a happy life style, b open n b happy always. Hope u have ur true love this time. But always remember Men always tread Woman like public toilet, you must make sure that u love him b4 u commit.Wish u Gd luck! 10 aug 2010 8.37am mama

Gd gd.. hee.. K la.. i cya at airport later. Changi airport finally put ur flight in e schedule le. U can tink of wat to eat for dinner later. =) 9 aug2010 2.37pm jiexx

Sunday, August 15, 2010

home sweet home*

recess week
Booboo I'm doing hw now. call u later muacks. 22sep2010 10.05am

home fat fat. thanks for popping by n making smerry's day. love u. where's my fat now? 22sep2010 12.15am

Home. bathe. eat. think today i better stay home rest. too tired. but i wanna aeroplane fat fat. 21sep2010 7.39pm

Grammar nazi dun geno e kid. hee. shark bite u. 21sep2010 2.55pm

I want play also, dog dog want to swim. gg where now? Call u dur break. day ends at 6. 21sep2010 12.58pm

In next class now. dog dead. how e boatride? Hope fat fat is enjoying being active girl. 21sep2010 12.23pm

How e boat booboo break now. take care dun be wet fatfat. 21sep2010 10.14am

Gone out yet? Trying to catch up in class. zzz. mixiu mixiu. 21sep2010 9.39am

Oh shit late ahhhh 21sep2010 8.27am

Fat fat girl i reached already. which bus stop u coming from. 20sep2010 6.45pm

Ok den wad u doin? Wanna eat w dogdog before my proj meetin. its ok if u still dun wanna c Smerry yet. 20sep2010 11.53am

Morning fat fat. missed u whole morning Felt horrible till i hear from u. dog only silly for owner. gg out now? Class just ended. 20sep2010 11.38am

week six
Talk to me or i'll just die. pls. dun keep attacking me. 20sep2010 6.31am

thankew for being my dream boyfriend pampering and loving me so much. will learn to e your bestest girlfriend. i love you! x Find this again. i want tt u back. i'll learn again. we just need to talk. can't keep running n misunderstandin eo. i need hope. i need u. i'm breakin inside. 20sep2010 6.24am

Because i love u alot. n we stopped talking for so long. i only received half yr msg so i'm guessin. i dun mean to do it like this. but do u ever try n not run away. because i really feel damn painful now. i need u to be e one to und me now. pls. i'm alw trying to break into yr heart. can u try to break into mine just for this once. its not easy. but yr just directing hate n anger at me. where is e love. 20sep2010 6.20am

If u think its worth it. like how u say Smerry is for life. you'll find a way to talk again. i won't rush u. but u need to do tt fight for our love. pls show me tt its not something u treat so lightly. dun just give up. don't. Smerry is fighting so hard. why can't u be e same. u can choose to make it better. dun just hurt n dun do anything. i need u so much closer. 20092010 6.07am

I dun und why u keep shutting me out. its so painful to be told i'm loved but i cant access yr heart. pls. let Smerry in again. rmb why. i cant sleep. i'm lost. only yr love can help me now. 20sep2010 5.59am

i dun see e hope in yr msg. i keep rereading it. it makes me wanna die. all e good times. u dun seem to rmb. why did e day tt should mean to get us closer. e day tt meant so much to me become like tt. i dun wanna fight no more. i just want u. dun close up on me. all these dun matter. u do. send me a sign. 20sep2010 5.53am

Why does something so pure n special have to be like tt. we just have to find back e us from last time. where we can talk to each other about things deep inside. idk how we lose it. but pls find it. i dun wanna lose u. dun make it sound like yr givin up. try harder if u think its all worthwhile. 20sep2010 5.46am

goodnight talk to me soon cuz it hurts. love u. 20sep2010 2.49am

Silly dun be scared its ok. aeroplane come fetch u. Smerry happy tt u come. 19sep2010 2.44pm

Missing u suddenly. thinking abt us. e reasons we fell in love in e first place. i know i'm stupid to think abt this now. but after all this while. e special feeling. e connection. is n alw be there. if only u were here now. 19sep2010 2.23am

Dear Valued Customer, your GSM 3 M1 Friends (Free Calls) service has been activated as requested. Thank you. 18sep2010 7.15pm

teachin tuition now. hang in there hun. mixiu. rmb to eat. tmr bring notebook update. hee 18sep2010 1.46pm

bonjour my fat fat. love u. 18sep2010 11.11am

Haha. really got car crash drunk ah bengs bang tree. goodnight thanks for taking care of tired Smerry. Smerry loves u. 18sep2010 4.41am

ok take care fat fat. rmb to eat sth. find u later for supper. x 17sep2010 7.15pm

blackface babyboo. cheer up. I love u lots. dun ever forget tt. u can alw count on Smerry in whatever times. take care when u go out. meet u later. my proj grp just sms me. cannot pon. 17sep2010 5.08pm

Traffic jam don't come down first. call u. hungry. 17sep2010 2.45pm

Home. sreep now. goodnight miss my fat fat alot. zzz 17sep2010 3.53am

Slept yet hun? We gg henderson to celeb my frens bd last min just rmb. 17sep2010 12.19am

Why u so silly. sigh. Smerry won't let u out of my sight love you. x call u soon. 16sep2010 11.23pm

babyboo how u? Why one day never see dat dat u like tt. i'm gg to eat tau huay. 16sep2010 11pm

Who is bur? Hehe call u soon i go library print things first. quite inspiring alw to listen to him. 16sep2010 4.52pm

Ok mixiu my fat fat. 16sep2010 3.58pm

Wad u ding now babyboo? I went to another class my senior come back teach us investing stuff. 16sep2010 3.55pm

Miss yr funny. ugly. animal. monster face too. 16sep2010 1.10pm

Go eat. smerry miss u too. ttys miss fat voice. 16se2010 1.04pm

Fat fat go where? Fat fat lost? Zzz in class. 16sep2010 1pm

funny face fat fat. hee. Spendin time w u is my happiness. love u. gonna wake at 6 to do werk. x 16sep2010 2.28am

With me la. Haha. silly. u wanna hang ard w small boy or smerry? 15sep2010 1.17pm

babyboo I'm rushing to school overslept too tired. how r u? Miss u. 15sep2010 11.38am

sleeping now. goodnight my love. thanks for taking care of super tired smerry. love u to bitsx 15sep2010 3.20am

Yay! Still stuck in class. how was it? Miss you 14sep2010 10.58am

So tired in class. hang in there bebe. good luck for test later. you'll do fine my mina gf hee. 14sep2010 8.51am

Home finish up work n zzz. call u later sweetie. 14sep2010 12.45am

where u fat fat? U well? Miss u already 13sep2010 6.35pm

Cuz bur most impt. we doing a 4d n toto generator model 13sep2010 5.42pm

Nope we all got diff answers so discussin Haha see who more genius. 13sep2010 5.16pm

Aiyo how? Still must go? Reschedule den smerry go w u. 13sep2010 4.56pm

Fat I'm done call me when u reach. 13sep2010 12.39pm

Steak go eat astons at cathay. soup eat rubbish places like food court or lucky? all i wanna eat is fat fat. 13sep2010 10.46am
Why u so notti? I tot u fell asleep. faster go do work or shark bite u. lunch at 1? Wad fat fat wanna eat? 13sep2010 10.22am

Die phone no bat again zzz. finally in class early for first time. hee. Love you. 13sep2010 8.35am

week five
you already are. I love you. sleep now. zzz. wake dead dog when u wake. thinking abt slping w u in my arms. for life. x 13sep2010 2.22am

Okay faster eat. wanted to call u but think later u have no time to eat. how's were busy? Mixiu mixiu12sep2010 8.30pm

Hallo my fat coffee princess. hope work is ok. i stardee now n miss u. 12 sep2010 7.51pm

Mango if u not gg anywhere later. if not dun nd buy la. fat fat so nice. Smerry love u. 11sep2010 9.05pm

Home. sleeptight. dun think abt it anymore. sorry it had to be brutal. e only reason it hurt so much n e only reason why i said those things. its simply because i love you. i can't bear to los you. ever. those tears can vouch for tt. xx11sep2010 3.02am

Ok eat lunch w u. daily feed fat fat. 10sep2010 12.56pm

Poor thing was wondering wad hap to u when i woke up wo hearing from u. u want me come over straight? 10sep2010 12.49pm

Fat fat I just finish my proj damn prod Haha. how's class gg? 9sep2010 5.38pm

Fat fat to the max. Haha. nobody plannin even tho they say wanna meet. i come n find my fat after miss you much. phone n laptop dying 9sep2010 3.42pm

How come she know? Basket. Haha tt explains everything. she's so efficient. 9sep2010 2.42pm

ask if u got come my house. think is sin yan type e msg one. 9sep2010 2.37pm

Its actually jessica Haha. 9sep2010 2.33pm

Dead dog just reach school how is fat fat? 9sep2010 10.53am

How's my fat fat ? Miss you. studying. zzz 8sep2010 10.19pm

Ok class finish soon. i come save my fat fat. 8sep2010 3.11pm

Home. sweetheart. hope meetings well. gonna wash smeariness n stardee. talksoon 7sep2010 11pm

Home. sweetheart. hope meetings well. gonna wash smerryness n stardee. talksoon 7sep2010 11pm

in e lect now. Think I'll leave halfway. w thai guy ping. might come find u for dinner. x sleep tight my sweet 7sep2010 7.10[m

wanna smoke cannot complain. yr school really jialat. rushing to other class now test! 7sep2010 11.51am

Poor thing u gonna wear yrself out. miss my fat fat. cuz I'm hungry Haha. 7sep2010 9.51am

Sweetest thanks for waking yr dead dog up. zzz. love u have a great day in school. if tts even possible. 7sep2010 8.32am

Get some sleep hun. smerry sleeping now. lu. x 7sep2010 3.37am

Home gonna crash. slept yet? Zzz call me Tmr when yr up. 7sep2010 3.27am

yr e only one tt I'll allow to distract me. my favourite. pls slp early. love u love how u gave me a new home already. 7sep2010 3.21am

Ok I'll come starbucks at 6. Muackx 6sep2010 5.13pm

How's work my darlin? Tired tired tired. need water bed. 6sep2010 3.24pm

Class ending now proj discussions my groupmates r a couple Haha they quite nice. never text me i tot yr still asleep. how's prog? 6sep2010 1120

In class now. late again. i doze off on couch sigh. really wanted to be early today. zzz. ttyl sleeptight my sweet girlfren. 6sep2010 9.05am

week four
Hows my burger? Think u just go home early. since its late already. 5sep2010 2230

Smokebreak can escalate to what. silly boo. tell me when u leavin. xx 5sep2010 7.26pm

feel like smokin but cannot. sucks feeling. Haha now amazing suddenly think of valley pt n indian garden. how it feels like home. 5sep2010 7.10pm

Smerry dog is all rounded distraction. hello. talk to u later when u on e move. had dinner at 6. die later sure hungry 1. 5sep2010 7.04pm

Even wo smerry dog u also distracted. when u gg to e next place? Bored. 5sep2010 6.46pm

16 to 21st back to spend xmas w my love. Poor thing just keep up e gd work n dun get distracted. 5sep2010 6.10pm

How's e progress? Miss u my prettyburger 5sep2010 5.47pm

doing work now till e night. love you sleep tight. awesome weather to hug my fat fat n zzz. 5sep2010 10.52am

reach home. sleep. love u my sweet. zzz 4sep2010 3.33am

U hungry? We'll eat soon. sorry. take care n stay off vices now. 3sep2010 8.16pm

hun how r u? I'm in a meeting now. just texting u. gonna finish in 15 mins. 3sep2010 8.14pm

Tired fat fat. go eat take care. if convenient then buy. mu. 3sep2010 4.24pm

Ok hun take care n go eat. i call u later. we walkin ard n Smk. x 2sep2010 8.48pm

boo eating at astons now. how're u? Go Home yet? So coool meeting em again. mu. 2sep2010 7.44pm

said lu but some fat fat so fast hang up 2sep2010 6.03pm

Ok i keep buyin u notebooks because my cherie loves to write. hee. bot gg. double heee. 2sep2010 5.26pm

so specific no fun. facts n figures girl. 2sep2010 5.22pm

how big is too small? How small is too big? 5.15

ok i help you buy smerry one. 5.14pm 2/9/10

In class fat fat. we finished just in time had to rush to cclass.
how's it gg hun? Hopu u aced it. missuuu. 12.38

good luck fat fat. you'll do great dun be nervous. smerry loves u.

smerry miss fat fat too. 1sep2010 9.54pm

wad u doin now? Just finished class. at e talk now they have super low turnout we gotta go. dior lin mia. fat fat also mia 1sep2010 3.41pm

Dun oversmoke fat fat. k make use of time now so later u won't need to rush so much. 1sep2010 12.56pm

On e way to school now. how's my fat fat? 1sep2010 11.46am

Oh rien. juste miss fat fat voix. hee. woke up ten. late. doing hw for finance noww. Love u too. x Fat fat still alive? 1sep2010 10.39pm

my dear fat fat trried to call u. i'm done gg to sleep now. go sleep early too. smerry love you. so tired. zzz. 1sep2010 3.23am

Bathed charged phone. callin new members to ask em down for interview. how is my fat fat? Eaten? 31aug2010 8.45pm

eta? Ok i'll see u there hun. 31aug2010 3.02pm

ly my bxxxxx queen. hee 31aug2010 12.10pm

Mine in 15. Next wad time? 31aug2010 11.28am

U not sick of underground? Silly fat fat. not secretive. just dun like to use fb. wann pda just kiss b. .. Outside hee. 21aug2010 11.25am

I on facebook just appear offline cuz i din see u on just now. smelly fat all tt our lil secret shh. world shudn know :) 31aug2010 11.13am

Very smart hor smelly dog link. wait till wkend den u know! 31aug2010 11.10am

Simi notification? Haha. yr best fwen dior forgot to bring e harddisk. so meet her tmr. sian i still in class 31aug2010 10.57am

Yea sian wanna talk to fat fat. so tired need rest. dun wanna get sick. Haha dun talk on other pp wall. extreme pda. hee. fatfatsmile 31aug2010 10.47am

wa just got my food back in class now. feel so much better. in class now? Wad time break. 31aug2010 10.21am

stupid stupid fat fat. e pullover fat fat buy for me. must be pick up from trash. cant even remember. Today finish 7 right? 31aug2010 9.32am

Hungry stomach growl! 31aug2010 9.09am

Ok dun be late. No Smerry dog to disturb u this morn. happily in class wearing fat fat pullover. hee. 31aug2010 8.56am

in class now hun. feeling abit sick. No smoking for e day. was texting u halfway. gg out soon? Mwacks for being so sweet. x 31aug2010 8.49am

@Home wash up n sleep. night bebe. 31aug2010 1.25am

Texted u e same time. hee. yea finish sent n downloaded my notes for e week. watch finish e drama episode n did some cca stuff too. next time i work u sleep. u work i sit outside. 31aug2010 1.17am

Goodnight my cute bgirl. cant sayy it. hope u feel more relax now. watchin u sleep just now so pretty n irresistable. love you. x 31aug2010 1.15am

Ok I'm on bus there now. need to finish assignment later. cant wait to see my b word pretty girl. hee 30aug2010 5.43pm

How r u cuteness? Fat fat. x Mumu 30aug2010 4.04pm

I saw yr msg. doin some class activity now. talk to u about it later. wad u doin now? Pretty girl. 30aug2010 11.01am

Ok silly girl. Reminder time to eat pill. Mwacks. 30aug2010 8.43am

Hello on cab now late again. I'm lazy Smerry dog. i got brolly meet u later. enjoy yr class. hope u din get caught in e rain. love u my awesomestngirlfriend. sry u had to wake e dead dog up so many times. x 30aug2010 8.34am

In class so boring. n hungry. w e gay dude now. we both late. kinda cannot stand e vibes alr Haha. good girl call u later. 29aug2010 9.31am

Ok silly girl. Reminder time to eat pill. Mwacks. 30aug2010 8.43am

Hello on cab now late again. I'm lazy Smerry dog. i got brolly meet u later. enjoy yr class. hope u din get caught inn e rain. love u my awesomest girlfriend. sry u had to wake e dead dog up so many times. x 30aug2010 8.34am

week three
Hang in there hun love you. x 30aug2010 12.58am

Mu till e stars grow old. burger. x call u soonz 29aug2010 10.53pm

Postinor 2
containns levonorgestrel
29aug2010 6.08pm
I'll leave at 12 den do work in school until u finish. after tt can go playplayplay. 28aug2010 11.16am

Haha dun call u fat alr. if u sad. Smerry dog want play w not Smerry girl. 28aug2010 11.02am

Naughty. why sad. can i help? Hee. 28aug2010 10.54am

Hey burger get burger proposal wad. Haha. call mac delivery. or ask yr jie buuy for u lazy fat fat. 28aug2010 10.34am

At a maccers n i dress up as hamburglar. hee. use curly fries as ring. u want? Go down buy la dun eat e starbucks fat fat stuff. 28aug2010 10.12am

Lucky i never wear until so smart. a lot auntie uncle wear slippers come. go wash up n eat fat fat. 28aug2010 9.47am

love sleeping now. think i too slow poke tt my burger fell asleep. gd cool night to zzz. wish i had u in my arms. call tmr when wake. Mwacks 28aug2010 2.49am

Feet pain alr right. heehee. no need tall. legss always nais. burger alw pretty. still there? 27aug2010 8.28pm

U my burger pin up. hee. so hungry. where u now? We're closing up soon. 27aug2010 8.01pm

How u gone out yet? Burger. crazy busy just started. surprising. no time to even meet my fren. 27aug2010 6.56pm

Haha. i dun mind. call u again when I'm done. hello my wallpaper is burger n I'm hungry. exco fren says he might pass me some freelance designing jobs if he has. 27aug2010 8.19pm

Fat fat u slept on me wish it was u next to me. i miss u. sleep tight. zzz for me soon 27aug2010 1.52am

My poor lil hungry girl. eaten alr? rmb to look into e bags. i just reach home tired. but u must be more tired than me. love u. hope i fed u enough. must drink e herbal tea n eat fruits. 26aug2010 10.44pm

i'll let you know silly if I'm haviing a super busy week. next week is fine. discuss later. but u see if u can balance yr schoolwork. got tuition n e it work. in briefing now. e ymca ppl r here too Haha. 26aug2010 7.38pm

Tyrant burger. ok. settled move on. u know i am never angry w u. ur my best burger. hee. reached?? I'm gg briefinf soon. u jus work if yr free. anyway u gonna tender wad. 26aug2010 7.11pm

Silly since when is it obliged. i just wanted u to consider my side when u do anything. Cuz its def not e same as being alone nOw. u have someone. u know u wont loseyourself. u still do wad u do n im more happy to let u. but just want u to think of me in yr decisions. i'm just bein stupid as usual. 26aug2010 6.59pm

Take care fat fat. hungry eat something first. lovve u. sorry i wasn;t too happy just now. just wanted u to know how impt u alw r to me. xburger 26aug2010 6.46pm

saya miss you burger. 26aug2010 5.45pm

Naughty boo. wake up! I thought e lect interesting 1? Den how to work later. 26aug2010 5.11pm

Silly boo. wake up wake up. need a recharge? Mwacks! just finish cca work. study now. talk dur break. 26aug2010 5.03pm

Finished. go buy fruits den study. hows it gg? 26aug2010 3.33pm

just realised my school no malay now. sian.mayb take jap if y3 still dun have. 26aug2010 2.54pm

good eye deer. u also dun want hang ard? If u wanna talk to di or wad jus hang. congratz lunch. stuff yr face. no heaty food. 26aug2010 1.12pm

Of Cuz not la meet u rdv cann alr. silly burger. tsk now present? 26aug2010 12.53pm

Die how starve to death. poor burger. n sat dun rly feel like gg gathering Haha. antisocial mode. yikes. 26aug2010 12.49pm

How to keep warm without my fat fat. tmr must do assignment n mug abit. too lazy. 26aug2010 12.30pm

Cry until eye drop out become miao kia told u before. im gonna be late snail bus. go buy sth during break? Tonight i buy. 26aug2010 11.52am

Oi smack yr butt den u know. stop snackin when u sick. h8 u. dunno how to keep yrself healthy. 26aug2010 11.44am

Waa why like tt? Hope not counted. yea tts e plan for sat. let u know if can escape earlier. go eat more fruits n drink more water later fat fat. 26aug2010 11.40am

what! This e nicest among e burger photos. take more photos den silly. fat fat. 26aug2010 10.33am

Nais? Never tell me. my hardwork for u. 26aug2010 10.24am

Burger check yr email to stay alive in class. 26aug2010 10.03am

Sleepin now hun. wake me up when yr up. love u. sweetest dreams. 26aug2010 3.04am

home. sweetheart. must be sleeping. rest well hope yr sickness go away come morning. give u all my loving. Mwacks 26aug2010 12.53am

Babyburger i dun have meeting tonight free bird now. Haha. plan plan. i call u dur break have fun in class. 25aug2010 12.31pm

Ate burger going school now. mu cant wait to fast forward time to see my burger. 25aug2010 10.58am

Allez! burger kiss. yum. lucky yr tutor all int, can keep u awake. muackzx back. 25aug2010 10.13am

Hang in there hun. love u. dun doze off. treatt u ice cream tonight. 25aug2010 8.37am

Ok yay transferred all notes by stepping on screen n manually pressing buttons. tough n awkward but totally worth it. transfer other stuff now. call me when u not smerry. hee. 24aug2010 22.44pm

smelly boo my phone really dead using spare now. wanted to text u jus now mayb go c phone tmr. wad u doing? Eaten? Thanks loads for e gift. made my day. u alw know e most apt thing to get. be safe silly girl. 24aaug2010 9.11pm

Smerry dog exhibit on everyday for burgerface. if u nd go library go. tmr got tut rite. silly misseuuu. 24aug2010 2.05pm

need a break soon. or bury my head in work. either way. i just wanna b w u. The sky could be blue could be gray without you i just wanna slide away. the sky could be blue i dun mind. wo u its a waste of time. 24aug2010 9.10am

Lookin at ur msgs thru a flickering screen in class. dun let go. 24aug2010 8.56am

nt ur fault. flg tis way's my choice. cuz ilu. U noe i prob shd stop u from skip. but if it helps u get some clarity. well ur nt alone at least gg to class flg heavy. go eat sth cheer u up. 24aug2010 8.43am

No u can go think have all e personal time u nd. but i tink if we're doin it right there prob b no nd for tt. we both know tt we can live wo each other. painful only. n wads e pt to be incomplete? W me ard u dun hav to toughen ur shell anw i'll b stupid as it seems ur shell for u. go have a grt day in sch. i love you so i cant bear to see u or us tis way. m mighty late. 24aug2010 8.36am

Never reply me on fb how tmr ccan help me? Hee. i jus gave e gay dude a cig n he ran out to smh. feel like a lifesaver. 23 aug2010 10.59am

Hello burger girl. wad u doin? I miss you. x 23 aug 2010 10.57am

kools means no time to study agn zzz. later must mug or no burgers for u! haha 23 aug2010 10.09am

Did my speech alr. late for my turn but went pretty well. Jus another day at smu. gay dude.gave me comments. wad u ddoin nw? 23aug2010 10.03am

MAYOOOO on burfer. nais! Hahaha sick. my phone rly gna die alr ahhh. any news abt mtg e rest ltr? Wads e plan aftr class? 223aug2010 9.18am

Dunno. sauucystuff. hows ur maths? Zai nt. 23aug2010 9.13am

Die hw to focus. Notti ger shd b listn to class. zz. ppl all vomit out their life story. intereste=ing but nt int enuf to kp me awake. 23aug2010 9.08am

hahah i tink u sure cfm pon a lot. Say until like that. damn boring must wait for 20 ppl to talk finish. j'ai faim! 23aug2010 9.02

Sry hun doze off on e bus. lucky nvr miss e stop. but late as usual. nw doin e speech. hehe u had cake? Fatness but ok since u climb hill. hws e lecture? 23aug2010 8.57am

bonjour ma sweet burger. on e bus nao. made it. hope u stay awake in class. have fun. lu. thanks for wakin e dead dog up. 23aug2010 8.08am

go slp nao we talk tmr. u so tired. hee u tink its easy for me to leave too? High. cont tmr. no stone no musique sianz. want my tres mignon burgerface. 23aug2010 12.27am

phew got on last bus. sleeptight my sweet petite amie. sry u had to wait fer me to do werk. havin u ard makes my day. love u. x cya tmr23aug2010 12.20am

burger call me! 22aug2010 4.15pm

Haha gd lo. gna finish in 3h. tired? Can talk? 22aug2010 3.07pm

dead. for the longest time. wwaking up nw. hit e books. hws it gg? Miss you 22aug2010 2.56pm

Homebound. rest awhile den start werk. xx 22aug2010 10.41am

I feel like we're in nyc agn. Nobody cares abt us. no neus from them yet. 21aug2010 6.40pm

so proud of urself disgusting. Drinkin e 2nd bottlee of starfruit juice yum.haha. 21aug2010 6.28pm

My dad at hm only. haha. he ok. tellin me 101 ways to go jb. if we gg Wo em n mtg sy at customs shd take bus from bugis there. more conv then go kranji. 21aug2010 11.19am

I eat for u haha wo mayo. so late go hm sure kena scoldin die. 21aug2010 11.03am

Buyin mac bf nw near my place yum my turn toeateateat. do some rdgs if u got time. cya ltr fatfatfat :x 21aug2010 11.01am

Not go party. GO HOME SEE MY NOTTI CHAT. itching. longing. yearning. zzz 20aug2010 8.24pm

nah my burgerface 1 n onli in e world. enuf For life. x sian wanna go sia 20aug2010 8.19pm

Hmm u sure ltr find new burger hw? 20aug2010 8.14pm

I HATE YOU. sooo notti. later u will get ur punishment :x 20aug2010 7.58pm

Hello auntie u die alr. soo much needs right. keep teasin me right. ur boy here cannot take it alr. no nd watch jeux alr like tt. 20aug2010 7.53pm

Wann also watch tgt. hee 20aug2010 7.39pm

Slap u ah. notti girl. tmr must go swimmin. cannot. 20aug2010 7.39pm

Done yet? havin dinner brk nw. met my fren jus nw n slack ard w him. quite fun nt workin. but cant wait to knock off n run to u. 20 aug2010 6.16pm

Babyboo waitin for e shuttle bys nao. late as usual haha. tired. wanna jus laze in bed w my burger bebe. Happy working. got tis flg if i pon they also dun care. Zzz 20aug2010 2.27pm

One stop cant wait to c u :) 20aug2010 1.06pm

Bebeboo im in sch nw. mad rush. still pretty empty ici. slpg? Enjoy e cold n e warmth. wish i cld b in bed w hun. nd my fatness :p20aug2010 10.23am slptight my lil bebe.muackx 20aug2010 4.23am

Nope its my bad hun. shudn be so tired whn i c u. since ur my batteries. sry i ko this few days. will b btr after tmr. love u. will save e 250 kisses for u instead. slptight fat fat fat. hee. x 20aug2010 4.08am

Bopian siaz. rather eat witu u noe tt. 19aug2010 9.13pm

E minah in front of me got burger bad hahaha. at ps nw buy ji pai eat. so hungwee. Wish i were there w u. mb nxt wk i free can come by. 19aug2010 5.43pm

1 more hr hun hang in there. I nd one too but miss my fav kaki. 19aug2010 5.01pm

Iwanna see it. hee. dk to scold or love u. shd b listn inclass tho. sillyboo. Hungry feel like eatin a donut. mb go ps find aftr printing. xx 19aug2010 4.57pm

I just finish class. simi first love? Sounds like u r wrong stuff agn. 19aug2010 3.37pm

So tired dozing off. doin some class werk cant wait to finish n have a fag. bebe wad ur doin nw? I miss you. 19aug2010 2.53pm

she say she noes about us. n i ask her abt her love life too. i kpo. haha. go stuff ur face. my sweet lil burger. hee. call u dur brk. 19aug2010 1.04pm

Miss you lots too. prof so cool told us her hobbies n stuff. Alecia talkin to me on fb. wish i cld come ovr. i tink tonite gna end earlier cuz we mtg 630. mb i tell em i nd to zao at 9. 19aug2010 12.33pm

I nd my batt too. eating diam in class. sure cannot class part. prof seems nice. muackzx love from hamburgler 19aug2010 12.20pm

I wont die la. cuz i got u to keep me alive. hee glad u neh doze off in class. ltr got time rest abit. Burgerface is compliment ok. cuteness. i love it. dun care.x 19aug2010 11.03am

I lazy i bad i slept back. nw shower n leave hse. srsly. zzz. miss my burgerface badly. hws class 19aug2010 10.57am

Hello irresistable burger im home. gg to take a nap. go out at 10. love you too. dont doze off. hope e maths class wont b tt boring. mwacksz. 19aug2010 8.23am

je t'attend a mac shaw centre. vite! Xx 18aug2010 11pm

Done yet? Staring at ur funny kewt face on my laptop. theyre wrappin up nw. 18aug2010 9.55pm

Thin. wanna gobble up sth fat:p packin finishin soonz. watcha doin nw? 18aug2010 8.44pm

Wooooooooooof doggie says lu 18aug2010 5.40pm

Meez mi smelly gerflen. do ur readings, i end 315 18aug2010 2.29pm

Ok silllyyy i'll nvr let u go either. stuck on w super glue. k cya ltr at ntuc building there. xx 18aug2010 1.58pm

Lazy n smelly. hee. my fav. k slowly get up but dun slp bk. mu. cya ltr prob. 18aug2010 12.55pm

[first day of]
ok need one too :x wann anth from ps to feed fatness or shd we jus eat out? 16aug2010 12.16pm

gg to ps cut instead w coupon save money. saw a few frens ard. dont feel so bad bein bk :) hang in there for ur last hr. muackszx 16aug2010 12.08pm

[morning love.breakfast.wii.bus stop.doggie.]
Yea can if ur tired mb i come ovr to ur side? 15aug2010 8.13pm

Finishin up n talk talk talk u wanna come dwn town eat w me awhile? 15aug2010 8.07pm

What ur doin bebe? :) my mtg might b ending soon. 15aug2010 7.39pm

Okay was jus thinkin abt tt too got a few can give em. jus left hm gg to do some printing first b4 gg dwn. miss u. 15aug2010 6.06pm

bebe thanks for lettin me into ur life rechargin my batt. this wk was awesometh. lookin fwd to life ahead w u. so comfortable yet exciting haha. Tell ur mom thanks for e drinks. loveyou. xx go rest den study. at orchard nw. 15 aug 2010 3.31pm

[ispy.supreme court photos.dinner at central.maxwell.nice walk home]
ok let me relive abit of my footballer fantasies first :) e court playin pon e floor haha. misseweee much. stay safe sweetie 14 aug 10.04pm

bebebebe chg of plans we gg town eat can pop by mt u haha. 14 aug 2010 7.46pm

Have fun hun tc. napping awhile den gna finish my werk. mu. love my nrw laptop wall ppr. 14 aug 010 4.19pm

biensur tell her i'll be there. hee. lots to catch up. but missewe alr. cant evn b apart from u evn if its for a shortwhile. xx 14 aug 2010 12.54pm

ma bebe thanks for having me over n messin up my mind w ur love. so crazy in love w u. everything i do is originale w u. buy u lightbulb lantern w music. hee. go rest n eat n miss me. mu alr. xx 14 aug 2010 11.11am

[daddy cat pouch.toaps hour wait by republic.borders.home.night love]

Hao. Glad to hear all is gd hun. knw hw much these things mean to u. will make sure ur family likes me n be e rock u nd too always. lu. clockwatching 13aug 2010 11.50am

Please u r my petite chat noir. mb Hereen or jurpt. dun mind u watch only mind u cut. i can go find u first den cut aft. call u soon gna end. rch sch yet? 13aug2010 11.43am

Fri 13th tdy ur fav day. call u whn im done in 40mins. mb go cut hair first. hope u ve a grt time w ur dad. mumuch. dunslack in sch. 13 aug 2010 11.20am

i'll b here for you always. first thing i wanna c whn i wake up is u. evn my lips miss ur lingering kisses. ur up already? Im havin petitdjnr nw. feed u too. 13 aug 2010 7.03am

hush hush bebe. get abit of slp b4 i call u whn ur gg out. mumumuu cant wait to c u agn. security tight. lots of french signs to practice. gta b careful smking here cuz lotsa cops.xx 13 aug 2010 6.12am

[late for human rights.lunch at guild house steps.chill at couch opp massage sen.politics lect.]

Babylove bonjooour. up nw. slept on couch haha w e same outfit. i can pass u a spare ezlink card tt i have. tt ok? Or u nd ur wallet? feel bad. :x make u lose slp n wake up late. hws classes? call me whn u have e chance.x 12aug2010 1045am

hope u find em keys. din wanna wake u up. u seem so pretty slpg soundly. Sry to keep u up so late. sleep tight nao my sweet lil crazy thing. Call me tmr whn ur up. muackszx for e goodnight kiss u missed. xx 12 aug 2010 540am

[lunch tiong fdct.afternoon love.steamboat w jie+toto.mambo.phuture.rivermoments.night love]
I've landed :) mixed emotions. How's things? good i presume? 11aug2010 9.06pm

[1st day of school.
I'm very happy for u!!!! 10aug2010 11.03pm

Loves :) My heartland gurl. did jus tt e nxt day i came bk. u done eatg? I can go collect first den
drive ovr find u? 10 aug 2010 3.05pm

my poor bankrupt chat. hee. im rushin ovr to feed u. k eat abit first. wait for meeee.ilu. 10aug2010 2.33pm

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

chez nous

Bebelove. on e cab hm w my parents nw. will b there to welc u into my arms whn ur bk. miss u loads. going hm wo u sucks. go eat sth. have a safe flight n enjoy urself at vegas. ttys. xx 3 aug 2010 1.55pm

Oh haha e cigs passed unchecked. melonsmk waitin for u :p realise i can spam u sms so u wont feel alone cuz its sgp charges. hee 3 aug 2010 2.09pm

same shit different day. doze off. tryin to unpack stuff on e couch. woke up to find u. take care have a safe flight darling.3 aug 2010 6.01pm

Love you too hun. i cant slp. missu. going to acc my mom to take e bus to work den come bk pack. txt me whn u reach. muackzx sillygirl. 3 aug 2010 6.35pm

hug ur jitters away. woke up from second nap. gna go unpack right away. missing u dearly. when e craziness ends n life goes bk to normal. u're all that i need. je t'aime bebe. 3 aug 2010 10.59pm

Writing e last few entries of my diary now. pensive time. on e trip. realising tt ur my greatest find. chienaveccoeur lookin at me nw (: whr is my bebe nw? 4 aug 2010 12.21am

(+4h for wst)
Bebe been waiting for u. gg to e hotel nw? poor thing so tired. jus bot lunch. fav duck rice. tell me if we can talk ltr miss u so much. miss my clammies :) 4 aug 2010 2.15am

Okay darling if its vegas mccaran airport can go to d departure gates D. go down e walkway e opposite e gates direction u can find a power port. i was there skyping u :) i'll go en ligne nw. take care keep e hobos awayy. xx. 4 aug 2010 2.22am

En ligne maintenant je t'attend. hop u cld find a spot. missu 4 aug 2010 2.52am

its easier when ur hearts connected to mine :) love u. i want to shw u places ive bn to so u wont feel tt alone. jus like wad u did in tokyo. rmb wear coolness! Dun let e cold get to u. riz de canard was amzg. 4 aug 2010 2.58am

On e bus nw. listenin to fray on stone. miss public tpt in sg strangely. hope di's ok. nd a fag badly. watcha doin nw? Chill on e slot machine. they're evil rmb. 4 aug 2010 6.25am

Another serendipitous mmt. whn i wanted to spam u agn. u txt me. So much like e girl shoshanna in inglorious basterds. fumer et lire a paris. parfait. kk i'll spam u. my words will b ur protection till ur back. am wearin straw coolness. aunt jus called. mtg family on sunday. sg i so damn hot. try to get some rest ltr lovely. Fumer moins. svp. bisous. 4 aug 2010 6.49am

havin dinner at marche. i cant keep tis up anymore. all i tink of is u. tres fatiguee. i miss clammies. bebe still up? Manger poulet maintenant. J'ai besoin de cig. 4 aug 2010 7.25am

Id wont let u go if tt happens. pieces of my heart r missing u. random things i see n hear. tombo. l'arcenciel. watchsay. all reminds me of u. slptight ma sweet chat. be safe. xx 4 aug 2010 8.32am

Je sais. lyrics ve alw bn e lingua franca of our love. you are the queen of everything. i'll be your guardian. whr u slpg? Poor lil thing. missu. kiss ur forehead. hushhush 4 aug 2010 9.10am

Monday, August 2, 2010

a night filled with love from people i love and admire

tonight leticia, tenee, francisco, sasha, jenn all told me some things about myself tt sounded too awesome for me to believe. it's time to look at myself in the correct light like myself more and believe in myself.*










huh seriously




then u can come over now!



你 ?


you! haha francisco is here


但是 我们几个没有一个会做饭的呀






咦 他不是没下班么?


tmr we will have dinner together somewhere near our home then

he is off work early to hang out with us.


哦 他现在就在么?


yup at our house now




yup last full day before leaving on tuesday.


哎呀 神啊 这么快。。。

臭miche 你要走了


haha right

havent showered

really smelly




还是中文能表达我的心情 哇哈哈



i think it's too creepy show to watch on the last night in new york. you should just come hang out in the house with us or something (:







okay. what time do u want to come.





who is F?


okay. what time do u want to come.

sin yan says you can join her shopping around manhattan if u've got no plans

in the afternoon. because i will be at the museums, then meeting her later. we are probably going to the movies at night then late dinner




she is going to 5th avenue too!

to Fendi!

so qiao3




coincidental. qiao3 is han yu pin yin'


那我们一起去吧 你跟她说哟


what time and where will you be



你问下她想几点 我们不知道呀



we will be out in the morning. will probably be at 5th around 1pm after lunch


那我们两点在Ipod店门口见 好吧?


把sinyan 电话给我吧 要是找不到我还可以打电话 发短息给她呢


hmm tell you what just meet us at 630pm Times square macdonalds 2nd floor if u wanna join us for movie/dinner. (: makes everything easier.

she only has her singapore phone.

but give us ur US number.


我也只有我中国的号码 但是可以打通


okay okay means i have it already



我知道 已经存下了






right. slipped my mind


那么明天我们去不去看电影都给你短息吧 好吧




那么明天你好好玩呀。。。。让sinyan好好去fendi shopping吧。。。呵呵


okie dokie

you enjoy your off day toooo

anyhow will definitely miss you (:


那是必须的 哈哈


haha take more nice pictures of yourself!




对了 自恋怎么说呀?



just say i want to see LOL

which is true.

it's nice to see ppl take pretty photos (: makes my day when i see pretty things.

i go to flickr to see pretty photos sometimes.


这么难读的单词 好讨厌


nar C sis tic


是呀 看美人我会精神好 哇哈哈


haha we are the samee (:

well i think humans are made to look for beauty





my dear favorite cute miche i gonna sleep....too sleepy..


good night....babe

用中文再说一遍。。。晚安那。。。亲亲。。。哈哈 么么。。。。

dear miche. we cant join you two for film! cuz we still at home! lol its really a pity! you last full day! whatever have fun in the city! 3 aug 2010 5.41

Sunday, August 1, 2010


bebe i just reach e hotel. capsule. super shack. got lost tryin to get there heavy luggages dont help. glad u liked cadeau. rmb to pen dwn all ur tots. wanna hear everything u gta say. how was work? Guess u must b slpg nw. was listenin to songs we like on e plane. startin to miss u so much alr. Xx. ilu. 31 jul 2010 7.53am

Bonjour bebe im gg bk to e hotel nw. lookin for my chat noir too. first thing whn i on my phone. its a capsule. will try to get en ligne soon. gg out? Wait for me!!! Get some brkfasg meantime. 31 jul 2010 11.14am

bebelove :) as usual u brought me smiles first thing in e morn. hows work?Watcha havin for dinner? We're eatin nw gg harajuku n shinjuku. hao xiang niiii too. hehe. 15 ans. xx 31 jul 2010 10.04pm

Haha jus ate a beef bowl. bot tix from machine japan rly works in int ways. m Sending my love from tokyo. guess wad we're 13h away from eo(: stay safe bebe. xx oh hun pls help us get our last paychks too if they still have it thanks. 31 jul 2010 10.25pm

at shinjuku isetan nw things here r crazily ex. ok im lookin for it whole day. saw e cheki its 5980 tink its worth it? Cant find donki tho. I'll swim e ocean (s) for u my kelsey. Missing u alot. here's another place i can img us losing ourselves in. muackksz take care on ur way hm. 1 aug 2010 1.05am

rly wanna be lost in translation. w wj theres no whim in e travlin sad to say. gg to hara nw didnt see anth nice here. jus bot bunch of jap food at isetan market. my poor lil chat. i can only warm ur heart. wherever i go whatever i do hw far across e globe i'll alw have u in my heart bebe. stick w coolness. lu. wad u doin nw? 1 aug 2010 2.01am

rest early if ur tired img huggin u nw. sweetest (: im in harajuku nw planned a few places to chkout but Prob give up too crazy here. wads vy daiso. still cant find e donki shop will ask ard den. Super hot tdy. summerlovin u. 1 aug 2010 2.52am

Bebe can do me a favour help me google e headporter tokyo location I know its somewhr in harajuku but nt quite sure whr. thanks a mill. 1 aug 2010 3.13am

Got a pack of 7 stars rly gd. saw two pink ones dunno isit wad u wan pianassimo n lucia. dun slp too late hunf. fig wad to buy for my dad. love u my harajuku lovr :) 1 aug 2010 4.40am

bebe met up w wj havin dinner nw. ramen. bot alot of stuff jus nw. share w u soon. haha like u whn im happy cant help but shoppe. got some stuff for u too (: will try tt tmr if time permits. thanks. think i saw e art place at hara dk if its e rite one. Bon nuit sweetheart. Finish ur stuff tmr. muackzx slp tight 1 aug 2010 6.40am

Bebe im back to my capsule. somewhr i can finally rest my weariness away. much like ur heart (: hope to talk to u soon. jus read ur msgs on fb. tons of things to talk. rly miss u so much. feels grt to alw come home to ur tots n sweet nths. love it like i love u. slptight my dear. chase e darkness away~xx 1 aug 2010 9.45am

bebe jus finished tsukiji pretty crazy place but indeed eye openin. had e most ex sushi 3500 for 7 n a roll at a famous place. heartpain haha. hope u r havin an awesome last day n gd farewells. take care my love. mulu (: 1 aug 2010 7.53pm

Bebe im bk in my eart capsule gna slp awhile. Told wj n he's pissed too Haha. esp whn we cant stop thinkin char have we dun have. mean joke i knw. miss u loads. wad did u order for dinner? Have fun take care. xx thanks for lettin me talk to moe n alecia :) u alw noe hw to make my day sweetie. 1 aug 2010 9.19am

at shibuya nw. shoppin for parents gift. slept alr? Saw donki on e map tryin to find it. took pics w hachiko. will alw b votre loyal chien to ur heart. hehe. Mu 2 aug 2010 4.07am

ok ma lazy chat. poke u. faster pack u nd to pack quick ur flyin soon. hows progress? we tryin to fin love hotel place near shibuya. din manage to find donki will go roppongi 1. call u if i c e cheki u want 2 aug 2010 5.44am

sweetie jus bot a whole bunch of cool flav cigs at a tobacco store w a nice lady. guess wad theres garam here Omg. tho we shd smoke less but cant wait to share w u. xx. miss u. Love from tokyo. 2 aug 2010 6.38am

My lazy bebe up yet?? Im gg bk to hotel nw. xx. 2 aug 2010 9.58am

Rise n shine hun. poor thing slept so lil. go bk n rest if u ve time ltr. tired too din go rop hills tts anthr place i'll save it for u. ttys. muackzx kiss to energize u :p 2 aug 2010 10.06am

Haha cheki camera is totally awesometh. cant wait to take pictures w my silly girl. jus took a cam whore pic of myself in heart capsule. take care dear :) 2 aug 2010 11.42am

Bebe i dozed tryin to pack like my chat. jus woke up to see ur msgs. whr u nw? Hope moma all tt had bn fun. tell me more soon. gna shwer n cont packin. mu. 2 aug 2010 4.47pm

Bebe i'll go showe n wash up. we try in half an hr. mussu. xx 2 aug 2010 6.40pm

bebe (: im gg out nw gna be a rush day asakusa temple. think i'll kill myself w all those bags ltr. happy cleanin n packin hun. lumu 2 aug 2010 9.56pm

notti bebe. go rest awhile hw u gna clean if u high. crazy. im roamin e temple district alone tryin to find an atm outta cash. shook wj off agn. Nd u so much closer 2 aug 2010 11.15pm

pls add ueno to our list of tokyo places i save for you. no time. saw wj at e temple whn i qiu qian. got a weird one. gg tokyo stn do last min shoppin b4 i go. dun clean till too late. muackzxz. wanna kiss u too :p ilu. 3 aug 2010 12.18am

Wow u make a prettty good housewife :) another side of u tts so perfect. hahaha jk. i replied her alr. wj buyin fruits. smkin while waitin. achin4yrvoixtamourr 3 aug 2010 1.23am

Im takin train bk nw hun. u done yet? I'll call u bef i leave so u can turn in early. 3 aug 2010 1.38am

Bebe we jus rch airport. tryin to find our terminal. we're pretty late. go sleep nw its late. thanks for bringing me love for this trip n giving me someone special to look fwd to in e life ahead. take care cant wait for u to b bk. love u. share w me everything whn we mt. xx 3 aug 2010 4.48am

Finally going home nw. leavin on a jetplane. wait for u at home. slptight hun. lu muackszx. 3 aug 2010 5.28am

routine mental adultery*

About Me

Basic Info

BioThey are conformists in their subculture of nonconformists. Typically in their 20's and 30's, values independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.

They read literature about drug use and depression, listen to music that nobody has heard of and think of themselves as beat poets.

They wear their jeans too tight and carry around moleskine journals. They write (usually shitty) poetry or engage in some kind of (failing) art form. They pretend to value intellect more than most things, but often are extremely stupid.

They complain about society. They like everything that is slightly subversive, like dressing in drag, smoking pot, or grafitti. Anything that requires a real risk, however, is not worth doing. They pretend to care about the environment, but litter. They smoke a lot. They curse a lot. They say they'd like to drop out of college and become a hermit in the mountains, but never do.

They express emotion through their lack of it. They pretend to be alienated, but actually fit in so well it's disgusting.

Favorite Quotations"Life is an art we are required to practice without preparation, a score that we play at sight even before we have mastered our instruments."
- Lewis Mumford

Likes and Interests

New York City

Death Cab for Cutie

National Geographic
