Sunday, August 1, 2010


bebe i just reach e hotel. capsule. super shack. got lost tryin to get there heavy luggages dont help. glad u liked cadeau. rmb to pen dwn all ur tots. wanna hear everything u gta say. how was work? Guess u must b slpg nw. was listenin to songs we like on e plane. startin to miss u so much alr. Xx. ilu. 31 jul 2010 7.53am

Bonjour bebe im gg bk to e hotel nw. lookin for my chat noir too. first thing whn i on my phone. its a capsule. will try to get en ligne soon. gg out? Wait for me!!! Get some brkfasg meantime. 31 jul 2010 11.14am

bebelove :) as usual u brought me smiles first thing in e morn. hows work?Watcha havin for dinner? We're eatin nw gg harajuku n shinjuku. hao xiang niiii too. hehe. 15 ans. xx 31 jul 2010 10.04pm

Haha jus ate a beef bowl. bot tix from machine japan rly works in int ways. m Sending my love from tokyo. guess wad we're 13h away from eo(: stay safe bebe. xx oh hun pls help us get our last paychks too if they still have it thanks. 31 jul 2010 10.25pm

at shinjuku isetan nw things here r crazily ex. ok im lookin for it whole day. saw e cheki its 5980 tink its worth it? Cant find donki tho. I'll swim e ocean (s) for u my kelsey. Missing u alot. here's another place i can img us losing ourselves in. muackksz take care on ur way hm. 1 aug 2010 1.05am

rly wanna be lost in translation. w wj theres no whim in e travlin sad to say. gg to hara nw didnt see anth nice here. jus bot bunch of jap food at isetan market. my poor lil chat. i can only warm ur heart. wherever i go whatever i do hw far across e globe i'll alw have u in my heart bebe. stick w coolness. lu. wad u doin nw? 1 aug 2010 2.01am

rest early if ur tired img huggin u nw. sweetest (: im in harajuku nw planned a few places to chkout but Prob give up too crazy here. wads vy daiso. still cant find e donki shop will ask ard den. Super hot tdy. summerlovin u. 1 aug 2010 2.52am

Bebe can do me a favour help me google e headporter tokyo location I know its somewhr in harajuku but nt quite sure whr. thanks a mill. 1 aug 2010 3.13am

Got a pack of 7 stars rly gd. saw two pink ones dunno isit wad u wan pianassimo n lucia. dun slp too late hunf. fig wad to buy for my dad. love u my harajuku lovr :) 1 aug 2010 4.40am

bebe met up w wj havin dinner nw. ramen. bot alot of stuff jus nw. share w u soon. haha like u whn im happy cant help but shoppe. got some stuff for u too (: will try tt tmr if time permits. thanks. think i saw e art place at hara dk if its e rite one. Bon nuit sweetheart. Finish ur stuff tmr. muackzx slp tight 1 aug 2010 6.40am

Bebe im back to my capsule. somewhr i can finally rest my weariness away. much like ur heart (: hope to talk to u soon. jus read ur msgs on fb. tons of things to talk. rly miss u so much. feels grt to alw come home to ur tots n sweet nths. love it like i love u. slptight my dear. chase e darkness away~xx 1 aug 2010 9.45am

bebe jus finished tsukiji pretty crazy place but indeed eye openin. had e most ex sushi 3500 for 7 n a roll at a famous place. heartpain haha. hope u r havin an awesome last day n gd farewells. take care my love. mulu (: 1 aug 2010 7.53pm

Bebe im bk in my eart capsule gna slp awhile. Told wj n he's pissed too Haha. esp whn we cant stop thinkin char have we dun have. mean joke i knw. miss u loads. wad did u order for dinner? Have fun take care. xx thanks for lettin me talk to moe n alecia :) u alw noe hw to make my day sweetie. 1 aug 2010 9.19am

at shibuya nw. shoppin for parents gift. slept alr? Saw donki on e map tryin to find it. took pics w hachiko. will alw b votre loyal chien to ur heart. hehe. Mu 2 aug 2010 4.07am

ok ma lazy chat. poke u. faster pack u nd to pack quick ur flyin soon. hows progress? we tryin to fin love hotel place near shibuya. din manage to find donki will go roppongi 1. call u if i c e cheki u want 2 aug 2010 5.44am

sweetie jus bot a whole bunch of cool flav cigs at a tobacco store w a nice lady. guess wad theres garam here Omg. tho we shd smoke less but cant wait to share w u. xx. miss u. Love from tokyo. 2 aug 2010 6.38am

My lazy bebe up yet?? Im gg bk to hotel nw. xx. 2 aug 2010 9.58am

Rise n shine hun. poor thing slept so lil. go bk n rest if u ve time ltr. tired too din go rop hills tts anthr place i'll save it for u. ttys. muackzx kiss to energize u :p 2 aug 2010 10.06am

Haha cheki camera is totally awesometh. cant wait to take pictures w my silly girl. jus took a cam whore pic of myself in heart capsule. take care dear :) 2 aug 2010 11.42am

Bebe i dozed tryin to pack like my chat. jus woke up to see ur msgs. whr u nw? Hope moma all tt had bn fun. tell me more soon. gna shwer n cont packin. mu. 2 aug 2010 4.47pm

Bebe i'll go showe n wash up. we try in half an hr. mussu. xx 2 aug 2010 6.40pm

bebe (: im gg out nw gna be a rush day asakusa temple. think i'll kill myself w all those bags ltr. happy cleanin n packin hun. lumu 2 aug 2010 9.56pm

notti bebe. go rest awhile hw u gna clean if u high. crazy. im roamin e temple district alone tryin to find an atm outta cash. shook wj off agn. Nd u so much closer 2 aug 2010 11.15pm

pls add ueno to our list of tokyo places i save for you. no time. saw wj at e temple whn i qiu qian. got a weird one. gg tokyo stn do last min shoppin b4 i go. dun clean till too late. muackzxz. wanna kiss u too :p ilu. 3 aug 2010 12.18am

Wow u make a prettty good housewife :) another side of u tts so perfect. hahaha jk. i replied her alr. wj buyin fruits. smkin while waitin. achin4yrvoixtamourr 3 aug 2010 1.23am

Im takin train bk nw hun. u done yet? I'll call u bef i leave so u can turn in early. 3 aug 2010 1.38am

Bebe we jus rch airport. tryin to find our terminal. we're pretty late. go sleep nw its late. thanks for bringing me love for this trip n giving me someone special to look fwd to in e life ahead. take care cant wait for u to b bk. love u. share w me everything whn we mt. xx 3 aug 2010 4.48am

Finally going home nw. leavin on a jetplane. wait for u at home. slptight hun. lu muackszx. 3 aug 2010 5.28am

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