Friday, August 20, 2010


We can go kayakin!! If weather permits. But u'll be the one doing most of the paddling work. wahaha. 19sep2010 11.52pm

Duh. You sure you know me or not? 3sep2010 5.27pm

My confidence is misplaced. See you 530 3sep2010 3.55pm

Okay, lunch on thurs then! (: 13sep2010 1.58am

(: I'm happy to hear that. Will u be at honors party on tues at 5, 6pm? 13se2010 1.45am

I'm happy today. How about u? (: miss u.. (: 13sep2010 12.48am

That's good dear. I'm glad. Have a good friday with dog (: 10sep2010 4.40pm

Hey girl.. Are things better between dog and u? 10sep2010 1.32pm

Hi miche, how'd the presentation go? I just had a great time with my little sis down at the pool and gym. My parents are in indon now. So us sisters have to take care of the little one and each other for now. Hope your day went well! (: 8sep2010 5.58pm

Miches all the best for tmr's presentation. You'll do great, as you did for our presentation.. 7sep2010 11.33pm

It's all right dear! A date sounds wonderful. (: 7sep2010 9.18pm

So that hug really helped (: 7sep2010 5.03pm

Okay that's good to know. Yes sch gets tiring.. Home is always an escape for me. I've been having a bad lapse of low self esteem lately.. Makes me wanna run away from sch and the public more too 7sep2010 5.02pm

I'm now finally escaping from sch too! No, thank YOu for the hug! It made my day! (: are you all right? Where're you now? 7sep2010 4.44pm

Miss you too miches. (: no worries, do u need me to pass u the two articles? The kenneth oaul tan and the reporters without borders? 6sep2010 11.50am

Kk as long as someone knows u're safe home. You have klng so I can worry less. See you (: 5sep2010 10.36pm

Hey be safe on your way there miche.. 5sep2010 8.57pm

Not there yet! Take your time. (: if u don't feel like reading, it's all right k? Don't have to come. We can always see each other in sch. 5sep2010 1.29pm

It's very cold there, miche (:

U could come with us to the law library too! Or if u don't feel like sitting down for hours, u don't have to come at all! No worries. (: 5sep2010 2.03am

What're you doing tmr, miche? Wanna go to a cafe to read and study? (: 4sep2010 2.13pm

Ade will be diving when she goes bali. So if u can't dive, u should come with me for this diving trip to msia instead (: okay talk to u later, don't reply. Spend time with the bf. (: 3sep2010 10.20pm

Okay don't needa reply me now, spend time w him! 3sep2010 10.03pm

Yes I get what u mean. It's a huge disappointment for me whenever I anticipate sth so much and it doesn't happen or happens late. Yay go have fun with klng (: yes she told me, I will be in msia with family! Learning to dive! You gg to indon w her? 3sep2010 10.02pm

Wow it's been like 3 hours since 7! Are u still waiting? SMU? 3sep2010 9.52pm

Oh man.. What a downer. Did his hp die? Does he know your hp number by heart? That could be a reason right? 3sep2010 9.46pm

(: are you all right dear? 3sep2010 9.40pm

Your fb msg made my day (: 3sep2010 9.39pm

Haha! You're cute! (: I get very restless studying too. My sister and like to go to cafes so we're forced to sit there. I agree! bed = yummy - productivity. Will u be going for visual culture lectures? 2sep2010 9.58pm

Where do you normally study or read? (: 2sep2010 9.30pm

Really glad I met you, miche. (: so sad this is your last sem! 2sep2010 9.17pm

Hi miche! Let's have a drink sometime, my treat. (: I haven't paid u back I realized. Thanks for the water today, you were a life-saver (: 2sep2010 9.11pm

hahahahahahahahaha. damn it. I was hoping to live vicariously through you! 2sep2010 5.58pm

heeeee. right if you say so.

<3 because burgers deserve to be sprinkled with sesame love. 10sep2010 7.45pm

Hey sorry my phone batt was flat just now. I'm at home now. Just back from a movie. But I supposed you texted before we met at the bus stop. No need to reply. Have fun with kl. :) 10sep2010 12.23am

Miche, dips, dans, and I are going for dimsum this thurs. Wanna come? :D 6sep2010 1.43pm
Haha ice cream sounds better on this hot day! 3sep2010 1.57pm

Okay:) I had ice cream for breakfast today. 3sep2010 1.39pm

Miches! Let me know if you wish to go to the ari seminar with me. its called "the orince and the saint: materiality, prestige, and forgetting". its at 3, and I'm leaving school at about 145. <3 3sep2010 9.25am

:) aww see you at lunch. And I owe you one postcard! i love it <3
2sep2010 1.35pm

Miche jc and nina. You three better be well! its like the tutankhamen curse of digging up human rights in se asia. See you two 1sep2010 10.13am

I JUST SAW YOU gazing dreamily at the suntec screen! 30aug2010 6.12pm

Daddy say you quickly let go of his hands! Jie! I forgot that didi has chess from 2 to 4pm on friday. 30aug2010 10.21pm

Okay! I know what happened yesterday. HAHAH! Caught red handedddd! 30aug2010 10.18pm

Scary. Feel a bit out of place. Maybe 1st class ba. oh well... And today dennis gf not in sch, so gotta eat alone. 30aug2010 9.59am

Oki :) yay ! Hvnt seen u in so longggg <3 5sep2010 3.06pm

Hmm oki yay will tell u then ! Prob next week or so. Get back to u regarding Thursday ! :) 4sep2010 5.53pm

Miss u loads. Hope ur well xxxx 27aug2010 6.53pm

just saw his pic! he looks like he's fun to hang out with. his photos are private though, so can only see his profile pics. 29aug2010 10.01pm

haha sounds like he's an older guy. is he? good to have someone mature to take care of us girls :) hee sounds like the us trip was excellent eh. is he cute! 29aug2010 7.04pm

oh? haha I don't know, but i'll guess tt great worlld more ex. up to you! he's responsible ah. good boy. haha honeymoon period sure happy la. need effort to continue as a long-term happy couple. sounds like you've a great start! is he from your ny gang? 29aug2010 7.00pm

tbp and tb mrt has gp great world -- not tt I know of. don't go too late k. cos you're fertile now!! haha. and at night I thk more ex. I'm going off for dinner soon, hungry! hee I'm glad you're happy with your boy. i hope everything stays good :) 29aug2010 6.54pm

hahaha. we should meet soon, need updates! I'm starting internship tmr tho. will text you randomly if I happen to end earlier. your boy from smu? 29aug2010 6.46pm

haha nope. alone! :) I like great world starbucks cos always got seats and I can see all the young couples + cute kids :) haha go out to study and get your bf to accompany you. can spend time together n stay awake to mug. Haha just not in his bedroom cos confirm end up doing other things :P 29aug2010 6.24pm

haha ok better! in case some powerful sperm manages to swim up lol. I'm @ great world studying. cos the last 2 wkends I stayed home, I kept sleeping. 29aug2010 6.21pm

don't dillly dally! Faster go k, don't Paiseh. xx 29aug2010 6.16pm

399/ No. I am a Windows man... 29aug2010 6.17pm

Oh.. I want to watch heartbreaker oso. tell me later if nice anot. But inception oso quite zai. last wk still sold out 28aug2010 4.43pm

Eh.. I goin back home now. Guang still at e far west. U all can sample all e mooncake. E one i buy is hk taipan. U can oso try qi hua and mei xin de. 28aug2010 4.35pm

Lucky can change although e canto auntie nag nag a bit. Haha. 28aug2010 4.27pm

ah yeee

:/ oops. U think still got ticket 27aug201 7.07
Zomgx I forgot to buy !!!! 27aug2010 6.56pm

Miss u loads. Hope ur well xxxx 27aug2010 6.53pm

Hieeee meet me soon pls? 27aug2010 6.53pm

Booo!!! How abt Korean food at boat quay there? :) 26aug2010 5.58pm

Okay okay no problem. Let me know :) wanna date me out also can! 25aug2010 5.58pm dar

Hello every one, are you all free to come to Hougang for dinner tomorrow? Ask jx wei Kwang and keng Leong 23aug2010 3.13pm ah yi <3

Omg love!!! I feel your pain !! 24aug2010 1.59pm

Oh ok!!! Where?? Yongtaufoo? Or ayam penyet?? 23aug2010 6.19pm

Hhahaha ewwww!!! Lovelove Hahhahahaa I can't think of anything else.. Any ideas?? Haha 23aug2010 6.17pm

Haahha ok I an good w that !! :D Hmmmm What abt ion food court?? I nv go before. Hahha 23aug2010 6.12pm

Me tooooo!!!! What should we eat??!! Hmmmm around townn ahh. What di u feel like eating? I'm doof for anything :)) 23aug2010 5.37pm

Ya ok then :) tmr dinner!! 23aug2010 5.29pm

Yes I will... But I can't stick around :(( got jap class right after my class... So I'm out till like 10.. I can meet after? Cos I won't have time for dinner 23aug2010 9.09am

Yaa that's true!! Well great experience la!! :)) awesomeness :D <3 So what's it like being back?? Let's meet up soon!?? 23aug2010 9.05am

Hahahaha that's cute enough !! But don't you miss it for the experiences and stuff?? I'm not sure what I miss abt japan.. Maybe the place itself but maybe the feelings alone which I had being there, living by myself and things like that.. Heh 23aug2010 8.37am

Ahhahah I meant for like usa cos you just came back too!!! 23aug2010 8.22am

Hahaha i do!!!!! So badly... But at the same time I'm glad to be back too?? I wish it wasn't so far away or expensive to go back to.. :( You too right!!!! 23aug2010 12.50am

Hahahaha I didn't even realize!!! Forgot that nus started first .. Had the strange impression you were coming back in sept hahaha 23aug2010 12.28am

Babe!! Are you back?? 23aug2010 12.26am
Hey miche! I just read your postcard. SO HAPPY FOR U! :) 21aug2010 11.10pm ahtan~

I was wondering where in the world that is. And I actually do! Surprisingly. I used to stay near there- tiong bahru. Okay :) and I'll email you what he rambled on for an hour after class yeasterday. 20aug2010 3.15pm adelinex

Micheeee lychee. I just passed some to hweeguang. I'll save some for you when we next meet! And the non email, hah sorry. I was supposed to tell you that we assigned each reading to someone. And you'll be doing the news articles. I'm doing um shit I forgot. But we can switch if you'd rather that :) have fun working! <3 adeline 20aug2919 1.26pm

[damien] It was a nice surprise in the day, meeting up and chatting like that (: be (objectively) good to yourself, miche. New life (: 20aug2010 2.45am

Daddy says cannot. Must choose 1. Hah. 19aug2010 11.32am

Daddy say you change your surname to lim then he pay lor. Hah. He says he supply lawyer to change your surname for you. 19aug2010 11.25am

Mummy replies 'we're cooking chinese soup today what.' Daddy asks 'who pay for the food?' :D:D:D all disturbing you. Hahahah. 19aug2010 11.23pm

Okay. ;) come for dinner! 19aug2010 11.16am

We can fill the gaps in each others' lives. Even if you leave him one day, you'll never leave me. And this time, I promise, I'll never ever leave you again. I don't want to. *HUGS<3<3<3 19aug2010 12:16am

yay! :))) meet me soon ok <3 10aug2010 2.29pm jinyee

Wen welcome home! Hope with this new beginning Let start n forget abt yesterday. Jia u n me must live a happy life style, b open n b happy always. Hope u have ur true love this time. But always remember Men always tread Woman like public toilet, you must make sure that u love him b4 u commit.Wish u Gd luck! 10 aug 2010 8.37am mama

Gd gd.. hee.. K la.. i cya at airport later. Changi airport finally put ur flight in e schedule le. U can tink of wat to eat for dinner later. =) 9 aug2010 2.37pm jiexx

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