Tuesday, March 31, 2009

someone i miss a lot*

someone suddenly talked to me at two pm.
being at a daze, i thought it was you...
i was so happy that you were talking to me as if we were friends..
just like before.

still awake?
hey dear. yeah having my weekly fix
gossip girl
hols now?
nope tw drama
nooo i wish
not sure if the latest gg is out
so easter break's starting only next week huh
is it three weeks as well?
err are you sure who you're talking to?

- that's when i found out,
it's not you.

you must be gallivanting with your new love this holiday..
what can i say.
love is free.
love is love.

i dont
must be dazed.
yeah now i know.
too much drama

now i know.. know that i still miss you,
late in the night.
know that i'm still pining
for us to be right
even if it's just as friends
that would suffice

i wonder when this feeling would end.
the next love perhaps.
hopefully not tho.

today richard spoke silly and i wanted to tell you about it
would you want to talk to me about it?
i guess you wouldn't mind.
but you're just never around anymore
and who am i to ask.
now, now.
be still be quiet
don't feel.

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