Tuesday, July 27, 2010


sweetness overlooad. but nvr enuf. waitin for bus to rch e bus terminal. missin u here there everywhere. slp well mu sweet<3. love u. je t'aime. ai ni.
Silly bebe X) 26 jul 2010 8.19pm

Pinochio ici (: slept abit jus nw. ipod diod on me. sad. was abt to txt u whn ur txt fot in. jus had 2 sandwiches from a stopovr. feelg rdy to slp nw. glad my bebe is well fed n happy. cuz i miss her so very much. im yours always :* so hws e party nw? fd anything to do? Xoxoxo 26 jul 2010 1.39am

i jus checked in bebe (: rooms awesome for 20 a nite. gna rest awhile n den chk out e place. downside is theres no free wifi :( so i gna have to mininally hear ur voice. mite jus die evn tho i noe we'll make it. miss u loads darling :) rest early tonite aftr ur done packin. hugsss. 26 jul 2010 3.44am

silly bebe. go bk to bed. call e exp way if i cant help it. i have a queen size bed for myself. wish u cld be here to kill e emptiness. love u sweetness :) 26 jul 2010 3.50am

Go slp dun start w those depressing tots again. i dont wanna see stuff tt hurts from u. i wont let u go nrver ever. i dun care. love's simple rmb tt. 26 jul 2010 4.17am

Cant hear u guess connection bad. jus needed to hear ur voice evn if its for a sec (: sleep don't weep. bisous my love. i gna nap abit b4 i go down. missu 26 jul 2010 4.28am

i know n i love how u listen to no one else but me. cuz ur ma bebe et i am votre chien alw. mb go look at e casino in my hotel. Tho u shd slp cuz its late txt me if u cant slp i'll be forever staring at e phone. cuz i miss u. for u i'll bleed myself dry. 26 jul 2010 4.41am

Silly bebe chat. i'm not moving. im yours like stitch. i wish i had sth to hug n kiss tt reminds me of u. jus left e room. charged ipod. e casino is quiet. our hotel has a tower w thrill rides on it. nth seems special wo u here w me. slpg nw? Muackz so u dun have to kiss my pic. sendin u love from vegas. 26 jul 2010 5.54am

bebe chat. sth stupide can smk in e casino sudd feel badass like sugar daddy. haha. everywhr is closed. bebe char;s slpg guess i shd go bk soon. cya in our dreams. 26 jul 2010 6.21am

Hush hush ma petite bebe go to slp (: i lost 5 bucks at e casino mostly at jackpot won some bk at roulette. pretty fun. hope i can win some for our escapade on 29th. im huggin a pillow wishin it was u. chien misses u loads go listen vegas nights in stone. slpg now. chk on u whn i wake. 26 jul 2010 7.55am

washed up. ironed my shirt. rdy to go. wj still slpg. mb i go roam abit first den come bk. hows my bebe? (: where r u nw? stay happy. no reason nt to whn we have eo. thanks for the wonderful morn phone call. u made me feel soooo loved. i miss you even more now. 27 jul 2010 2.29pm

its 110deg outside crazy i jus walked to buy water n food n visit e bank will go bk nw wake wj up n go casino hop. melting in e Sun. our times by e river will alw have a special place in my heart (: missu loads. happy working n stay safe darling. 27 jul 2010 3.23pm

jus had a buffet brunch super full flg lazy heh we're restin abit b4 we casino hop. hws ur stomach flg nw? Take care at work ma cherie. xoxo Love u too. 27 jul 2010 6.04pm

Haha im votre chien. i know everything abt ma bebe. go eat pochai pills if u hvn done so. dun eat too much or too quick. im jus leavin e room aftr a nap. went to play a rd of roulette aftr brunch won 3bucks nt bad. hws work tdy? Miss u sweetie. u have stolen my heart. 27 jul 2010 8.19pm

Miss you bebe (: guess u din hear me say. stupide. 27 jul 2010 8.55pm

Bn to 4 casinos so far. pretty cool stuff. alot diff themes. ny egypt paris. they v nathans here in vegas too. i won't go home without you. bebe. mgm's playin. Cant wait to hear wad u wrote ltr. stay safe work hard. muackz :p 27 jul 2010 12.01am

im in paris in nw. sort of. wish u were here so much. we can rly lose ourselves in those fake rues et blvds. haha. gg to bellagio as we spk last stop of e day. n bk to our hotel to play. wad u gna do nw love? Gg bk? Have a gd rest i'll call u ltr whn u get hm or sth. take care. xoxo 27 jul 2010 1.19am

haha other than char. rmb to rub her tummy b4 u bet here. think ur well wishes got to me. jus won 1 buck at bellagio. hehe. misseuuuu too. ma 15 ans petite amie 27 jul 2010 1.34am

Jus saw e fountain show outside bellagio. friggin amzg. nwadays evrytime i c sth nice i wanna enjoy it w u (: take care n stay safe on yr way bk. im gg bk nw too. v soon u won't nd coolness to protect u. xoxo. 27 jul 2010 2.09am

Jus rch hotel. buyin macs nw. j'ai faim. estce que vous faites maintenant? Missu. home? 27 jul 2010 3.21am

kk call uuu soon whn i get me food. wish i can feed u from ovr here. heh. Go find food dun b lazy. 27 jul 2010 3.24am

Ma bebe chat. decided nt to go dwn gamble. slpg soon for tmr jus washed up. Layin dwn thinkin abt ur sweetness n ur words. cant get enuf srsly (: rest early too. xoxo bonne nuit. je t'aime. hope u liked ur love letter from e west coast. muax 27 jul 2010 4.50am

Jus woke up. tired. gg out soon. waitin for ur txt till i fall aslp. missin u bright early in e morn. slp tight my sweet.. 27 jul 9.19am

Bebe sry was rushin jus nw almost late din chk my fone. on bus nw. they ve breakfast for us. nt bad. up so early? Hope i din wake u. wads e plan tdy? 27 jul 2010 10.33am

My lazy bones. heh. carry u out of bed. if i were there. e guide is an english person bombardin us w facts n e economy. cant stand it. u'd hate it too. missu darlin. 2 days till i see u. muacksz to get u started. on y va. love you too sweetie (: 27 jul 2010 10.53am

630? Pretty difficult n rush. nth else tt night? If tts e case mb we shd give it away. give it to tea mb she's recom sth else to do. we'll b mickey n minnie dwn brooklyn. omg super wholesome overload haha. on e rd to canyon nw. outside view mountains n barren land so breathtaking. feelg like on the road. 27 jul 2010 11.54am

Okayy mb go broadway den e tea place. let u noe if i tink of sth else ltr. workin tdy? Go do sth ur last wk in nyc (: stay safe tc at work ma precious bebe. 28 jul 2010 12.14pm

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