Thursday, July 22, 2010

ou allez vous? Ma cherie.

22 jul 2010 7.39am

Kk me too. not fair u lose me like that easily. slptight ma cherie. sweetest dreams. bonne nuit. feels like we nvr left eo side. gna c wad u send b4 i zzz. 22 jul 2010 8.04am

ma cherie mornin. i just woke up to sweetness n a smile. i think u have mon coeur already. i had a dream of u again. u were cryin so i woke up. wanna chk on u. nt gg out? I'll wash up now if u want i can call u before i go out (x lots of misses. 23 jul 2010 2.44pm

Hey sweetheart dun cry. seems our hearts r callin to eo(: i was huggin u so hard in my dreams. dun listen to fix you. i'll carry e emoness for u. let me dry my fur. will call u soon k. miss u. Xoxo 23 jul 2010 2.52pm

I miss you so much too. ma cherie. if theres one thing i'll come back for its u. logged on fb ur page bout of emoness hit me. 6 days more till i see u. whn we finally go thru all e leavin n meetin. i wont leave u agn. listenin to e jap song on ur page. have a gd day at work(x bisous. gna go hollywood nw. 23 jul 2010 5.06pm

ca va ma cherie? Hope work's been kind to u n tt its busy enuf to distract u. found a place in la tt u will like (: wish u were here w me. miss u loads. cant wait to hear from u. heading bk nw to c ur photos. take care n sourir plus. 23 jul 2010 12.12am

ur msg came just in time sweetie(: made me feel btr. after a bad exp. we got lost halfway thru comin bk nw jus got bk safely. I replied ur mail too. rly nemoed up reading it. tell me whn u rch hm so we cld talk or sth rly needed u soo much tdy. 23 jul 2010 2.41am

lost chat. reward 5 pennies. where's my chat? 23 jul 2010 6.13am

bonne nuit bonne chat (: so happy talkin to u everynite. haha tho ur uhuh annoys me :S sleeptight ma cherie. i miss you soo much. see u in our dreams. bisous. 23 jul 2010 7.59am

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