Thursday, July 22, 2010

Morning (x rise n shine

its ur dandy andy day. hw u feeling tis mornin? I jus woke up dreamt abt us. best night rest in looong while. miss u loads. chkin out nw. 21 jul 2010 10.58am

Sweetness (: thanks ma cherie. fell asleep last night w ur ipod nw its dead. hanging. chargin it n doin work stuff. no fun. hope ur havin a blast at ur warhol museum. feeling awesome for u finally done wad u came to states for. for me e biggest thing ive gained here its u (: xoxo take care coolness w u. 22 jul 2010 12.09nn

cherie hws it gg? finished all e museums? haven't heard from u since morning. feels so empty. miss u even more. im at e airport nw. boardin at 530. hope ur safe. will miss u more whn im further away. 22 jul 2010 4.06pm

Listenin to planes by mraz. so apt. ma cherie hws e busride? Ipods almost dead gg on to my 3rd connecting flight i think i'll reach hostel abt 1plus am. flight no.2 is late. hate it. skypeeee. later i hope. miss u nights. i want to call u soo much to let u know where i've landed (: xoxo 22 jul 2010 11.08pm

Hey sweetheart jus reach lax. super tired from all e plane rides. tryin to fig out hw to go to hostel. lettre as in e cadeau? read email too k (: hope i can call u tonite srsly nd ur sweetness to cheer up. he's acc to wait for e rest? hope he doesnt try anth funny. take care. missing my angel from e city of angels. xx 22 jul 2010 2.25am

haha u weren't supp to read e mail b4 u got e stuff. nw e surprise is off. go redeem ur stuff from dior. gna cab there im too tired. i'll translate ltr. sweetness(: wait for me. 22 jul 2010 2.47am

Hey ma cherie i think sy got internet saw her online on fb. i just reach hotel its tres bon. if u hvn slpt yet mb we can skype(:? 22 jul 2010 4.22am

Where'd you go. i need you so. (: 22 jul 2010 5.18am

No u wont lose me im just 3h away alw ur in mon coeur(: come online? Or u wanna turn in also can 22 jul 2010 5.29am

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