Wednesday, July 28, 2010

swim the ocean for you* even if i drown

bebe. didn't have reception e whole while at canyon. it was pretty cool vast n amzg. heading bk nw rainin on bus. hw r u doin? Stay safe work hard. ipods dead missin u. ur songs. ur love. need u here so much. 27 jul 2010 8.34pm

Havin a stopovr at ulu place nwlisten to wj emo chinese songs whole time haha. theres nth wrong bein happy silly u. jus ve to curb ur spendin i can help u kp tt in chk. wad did u buy. miss u bebe. alottttttt. dinner nw? Rmb to eat more so u wont feel hungry ltr. muacksz. 27 jul 2010 9.47pm

Haha dustbin's such a turn off. cinquante!!! Tres cher naughty spend sooo much. shw me whn im bk on e bus nw on e road's my companion. Hope work's bn gd to u. stay safe. wo u everything's so nt ok wo u. je t'aime. 27 jul 2010 10.15pm

For real? Shes amzg. omg. help me thank her. bebe love ur msg rly made my lonely ride suddenly so bright agn. talk to u tonite. i'll get wifi or sth. Take care bebe. love from e neveda wildeness(: 27 jul 11.28pm

i'd swim the ocean for you. sweetheart. in e room slackin nw. will go buy wifi ltr n go up to e roof. txt u whn We can talk wont be too late. rest abit first bebe 28 jul 2010 12.54am

Babylove im gettin en ligne nw. wait for me (x gogogo 28 jul 2010 2.17am

Bebe e wifi i damn crappy. only 1 laptop can use at a time. so i let wj use first he's doing his biddin stuff. I'll go dwn play a round. sry to keep u waitin u must be tired. go have a nap. call ur sg fone to wake u up whn he is done. Hws tt? wanna talk to u soo bad. missu bebe. 28 jul 2010 2.34am

Crazy gurlll. im bz makin money tho. losin 5bux alr. almost lost more. haha. i dun think wjs done yet. miss u sooo much. call u sooo much. call u soon alrite. bad hand tdy. muackzxxz 28 jul 2010 3.41am

Bebe come en ligne call u in 5 mins 28 jul 2010 3.58am

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